The Co-Lab Summer Pop-Up is a space for youth of color ages 18 to 24 to figure out the next step in their life. It provides everything from financial literacy classes to mental health support.
The program is a collaboration between many organizations.
“This was designed by youth, it has been created and cultivated by youth, and it is for youth,” said Heidi Johnson, Senior Vice President of ECMC Group, a nonprofit organization focused on helping students succeed.

Ieesha McKinzie, Managing Director of ConnextMSP, says they asked about 40 young Black adults what resources and support they wish they had after high school.
“We really listened to them and made sure we centered their voices,” said McKinzie.
Johnson says a key part of this program is supporting each participant individually and meeting them where they need to be met.
“We offer programs. Then we have them engage to the extent they want," she explained. "So the resources are all laid out, and they have the option of attending certain programs that really meet their needs…we're continually evolving the solutions and the environment to meet the individual needs.”
Consultant James Cooper facilitated a few workshops over the first two weeks. He says in that time he has seen changes in the participants.
“I've already seen that growth. I've seen how they enter into space… I've seen the level of camaraderie, the teamwork, how they show up for one another,” said Cooper.
McKinzie says she’s thrilled to see how the young people are connecting with one another.
“The young people who are participating are just so open, and they just have so many dreams and ideas about what they want to achieve in life," she said. "Just to hear them share some of their dreams, and then seeing them support one another, even though many of them don't know one another…I just appreciate how encouraging everyone's been.”

The students in the program also have good things to say. Jadin Archie compares what he has learned in the Co-Lab with what he learned in school.
“I was only taught the core values like math, English, science, social studies…but here, they make sure that we're ready for what's next…I'd never really had anything like that, until now.”
Ann Anderson says she’s also impressed.
“I've met some amazing people. I've learned so much stuff so far…this program is definitely 100% Awesome.”
Heidi Johnson says she hopes to grow the program in the future, eventually establishing multiple permanent locations. For her part, Ieesha McKinzie says she hopes the program helps young Black and brown adults discover what they want to do with their lives:
“I hope that this co-lab introduces them to the people and the tools to begin to take those next steps as they start envisioning and planning out their life.”
The Co-Lab Summer Pop-up runs through August 1st.
(This story was reported as part of the Center for Broadcast Journalism's Summer Journalism Intensive, a training program for young aspiring reporters from diverse communities.)